Saturday, May 23, 2009


is how i describe my birthday celebration.
A hamburger dinner with hubby and son... is enough, really. Plus, i had a good 2-hr thai massage prior to dinner.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Goodbye Tobie....

Receive a msn message from sis this morning....

Tobie passed away last night. 1st May 2009.

He's been with us for about 13 years, died of kidney failure + old age.

I grieved over his death, hid in the toilet to cry my heart out.

I wasn't able to see or feel him before he died. That makes me even sadder.

Now that he is no longer suffering, may he rest in peace, in my heart and in my mind.

I will always remember u, tobie, thanks for being a part of my life, for bringing so much joy to us.