Sunday, September 2, 2007

Essence of CLAM (served in xxxxxx)

Yesterday was our friend's wedding's a pity i wasn't able to attend it (in taiwan), cos' i'm stuck in s'pore waiting for my CNCC (if u do not know what's that, let me enlighten's 'Certificate of No Criminal Conviction'). And why do i need that? To prove that i'm a GOOD citizen in s'pore, so they will grant me a resident visa in taiwan...

Anyway, this is not the main point. What i wanted to share is something every couple will worry about on their wedding day (apart from making sure the banquet is proceeding as planned ...etc) .... that's right, the part where the couple will be asked to 'perform' some embarassing 'acts' or play some 'funny' games (u know what) during the banquet to entertain the guests~~~ :-SS

Well, last nite, i asked my hubby "so how did their wedding go?", wanted to find out actually how the groom has been 'sabotaged'... this has always been the part not to be missed...and hmmm, seems like this time the gang has been rather creative to come up with this...listen, it's... Essence of Clam served in CONDOM... and the groom was forced to drink it!
(Think of Essence of Chicken, but instead of Chicken, it's Clam)

POOR thing.... i'm thinking luckily they didn't ask the bride to drink instead, it wouldn't look too nice, right? Oh, maybe clam essence is meant for males only... ?

Btw, i told hubby "u were lucky", at our wedding, the gang only asked him to drink a glass of mixture that's made up of all the juices, wine, sauces, spices and left over food they can find on the banquet table ...^^

Well, at least among our friends, the Essence of Clam (served in condom) will now become the 'official drink' at all wedding banquets for the next couples getting married..........................

Phew~ thank god ours was over!

Disclaimer: I meant to share this for fun, not to supply u with this idea to sabotage your friends:)


Anonymous said...

Err... who on earth would think of this sabo?... doesn't sounds clam at all... ;p (mona)