Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Encounter wif the supernaturals?

Something really weird happened just this morning. Was making milk for BB EnYu when i noticed one of the milk bottle cap is missing ( it was exactly like this.... see the red one). I asked mom if she took it, but she said NO.

We searched high and low for it, but to no avail. I gave up and went to surf the net.
Moments later mom shouted from kitchen saying the milk bottle cap came back !#$*@ ........ the milk bottle cap came back?? (exactly like this, sitting nicely there)

Don't mean to scare anyone here but just pure coincidentally, when i last woke up to feed BB EnYu, the watch shows 04:44. *Spoooooky*. I've seen this time on my addidas digital watch umpteen times before.

I choose to believe it is not any devil evil scaring me here, but maybe an Angel trying to make contact wif me.


merelycreations said...


JD said...

Ha, it's coming true....444 in angel number means thousands of angels surround you at this moment, loving and supporting you. You have a strong and clear connection with the angelic realm, and are an Earth angel yourself. You have nothing to fear - all is well.

So continue to pay attention :)